Couples Massage Class
Couples Massage Class
~ 75 Min of Massage Therapy Hands-On Instruction and Discussion ~ $200
Each class can be designed with each others' massage therapy needs in mind. Whether your partner suffers from lower back pain, headaches, repetitive use injuries from work or sports: you will learn specific muscle anatomy as well as massage techniques and proper body mechanics in order to provide the healing power of touch to your significant other while not injuring either you or your partner.
Each will receive a 30 min massage, where your partner will be instructed in proper massage techniques, use of massage oil/cream, a brief outline of basic muscle anatomy and any contraindications. Any questions may be asked during the instruction time or during the 15 min break in between.
An e-mail detailing massage protocol as well as specific muscles or self care recommendations discussed during the class will be sent 48 hours after appointment.
Massage instruction is offered for wellness and stress relief. Massage instruction is provided as a therapeutic aid and professional boundaries are maintained throughout the class.
All staff, therapists, and clients must abide by Lavande's code of conduct.
All new clients to Lavande are required to fill out our health history and any consent forms prior to their appointment.